Scientist. Educator. Academic Leader.

Promoting diversity, health equity, and inclusion in higher ed and healthcare

What we do

  • My team helps institutions, leaders, and diversity committees achieve their diversity and inclusion goals.

  • We help you empower your students, faculty, and/or employees.

  • We give you tools for success in the areas of diversity, higher education, and mentorship. 

How we do it

Trainings &

Topics include:
Scientific workforce diversity

Diversity in medicine/STEM

Improving organizational climate

Unconscious bias

We use storytelling, case studies, and the latest research to illustrate the power of mentorship, unconscious bias, and other DEI topics.

We start with a detailed assessment of the challenge. Then, we go above and beyond to provide innovative solutions that effectively address complex DEI issues. We are with you every step of the way.


"Like many others from marginalized groups, I have overcome a number of challenges in pursuit of my educational goals. If diversity and inclusion are only seen as parallel to excellence rather than a core part of excellence, others like me will continue to face substantial barriers to success. That lack of equity will hinder the potential of any program or organization. We all have a chance to level the playing field and help others reach their fullest potential."